Friday, May 1, 2009

Love and marriage

“Marriage” when I search in Wiki it had been defines as a social, religious, spiritual or legal union of individuals that creates kinship.

Now a day, a lot of people start their family in their 30’s, some even prefer to stay single. Unlike last time, baby boomer generation seem to get marry in their 20’s.

When I was young, I’m scare to get married and have family because is not easy to play the role of “wife”, “mother” and “daughter in law”. I believe we always hear and experience the hardship of marriage. Now getting divorcé or dissolving engagement seems to be very conmen.

But does anyone ever pose and think for a while why this entire unhealthy thing is happening around us? It is because it too conmen?

Having relationship and falling in love is the most beautiful thing in life especially when both of them commit to cherish each other. In a relationship there will always has joy, tears, hardship, anger, disappointment, patient, tolerance, forgiveness, responsibility, commitment and etc. But when come to practical I think most of us will fail.

We think that we know what is “ love “ but why come to practical, we often “fail the test” . Of course there will be thousand reasons behind a break up.

But do you ever feel like the more break up you had, there more depress you feel, the more hopeless, the more you are losing the “love” in you? This is basically we always start a relationship when we are still hurt and haven’t recovered from the previous hurt.

That’s why never tell a person that you love him or her unless you are really sure that you will spend rest of your life with him or her not matter what because that is a commitment. Whoever listens to it, trust you. The foundation of love is “trust”.

“LOVE” is a heavy word. Sometime it is too heavy to be break. Yes, I am still learning how to “love”.

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