Monday, May 4, 2009

Long and Flat

When I am writing this blog….I’m actually half drunk. I received a call today from Auntie Juliana. She invited me for dinner but I must not tell my mum…..Ok…not to tell my mum….

Auntie Julie: Ah yang… are u still working?
Me: Yes…. (Actually I was at home :p)
Auntie Julie: Good…. Later are u free? I want to invited you for dinner. Granduncle, uncle tony, nana, sister yong, rose, auntie annie and uncle peter will be there too. But dun tell your mum u coming out for dinner.
Me: errrrr ok…….
Auntie Julie: then meet you at 7:00pm at the heritage.
Me: ok.

Deep in my heart I was thinking what is going on? Can't tell my mum and Father chua is going to the dinner also. Dam this must be my judgement day…..I’m going to get it.

Well what can I do? I have to face it also. Who know……… when I walk to the dinning table there is Long Flat 2002 sitting there. In my heart: Long Flat at the table…. This should not be too bad,,, or they are trying to drunk me so that I will tell the truth? Ha ha ha I was totally wrong, granduncle only allow me drink ¼ glass of wine coz he dun want me murder people on the road… This is very thoughtful of him knowing that I can’t drink. The dinner went well. The best part is he ordered crayfish. I never eat crayfish before and I was thinking of crayfish for the pass few days. Wow tonight God blessed me crayfish….heee with Long Flat…. Man…. This is good and I’m half drunk now……

Long Flat Shiraz 2002 is one of the best wine. Everyone should try. It’s tests very smooth.
Father Chua you rock….. U have good taste on food and wine and thank you that I'm able to meet Erica and Elizabeth again. Now I'm long and flat on the bed.

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