Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wet suit...

Ok.....I'm crazy...I bought a pair of wet suit just because im going for my open sea diving..... I never spend that much on sport in my life......... half of my salary gone..... but still ok lar.... .can use it for years....... too bad they dun have pink or light blue... Cant wait until the open sea.....oweeiiiiiiiii

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Death….. when we come across this word, people will always scared or does not like to mention about it. My current job gives me a chance to see “life” & “death”. Most of the time I will witness new life coming in to this world, as usual both parents are in joy and happy about the new life coming into the family. Sometime I also have a chance to witness death.

Everyone sometimes feels fear at the though of dying. Some people dun have a choice to live if there is accident happen. This teach me a lesson that we can’t control our death or live, we just need to be content and be happy of what we have, coz we would not know what will happen next.
This job really changes my perspective about life, anger, disappointment, gratitude, attitude and perception on things that come along once life. No matter what happen we need to give thanks to God that we still alive and should not be defeated by the bad time in life because only faith in God can remove all the fear, this include death. We should treasure whatever I have now before it’s too late. WHY SHOULD A PERSON LIVE IN DARK PASS IF ONCE HAS A CHOICE TO LIVE IN PRESENT? BE STRONG AND WALK THOUGHT IT….

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Skin cancer

Skin cancer is a malignant growth on the skin which can have many causes. The most common skin cancers are basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. Skin cancer generally develops in the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), so a tumor is usually clearly visible. The majority of these are called Basal Cell Carcinomas. These are usually localised growths caused by excessive cumulative exposure to the sun and do not tend to spread.

Ok ... I never pay attention to my hand until my friend told me about my burse on my hand. It's seem to be staying there for "too long". He advised my to see skin specialist to do screening in case is a skin cancer.... because I'm having burse in my leg too out of suddent....

OK....... me cancer..... pls no....... but when i google for the skin cancer picture... some of them seem to be a bit simillar... got "hard" stuff in the middle..... ermmmm.... what's now?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Angel- Beverley Mitchell

Have you ever met an angel

Whose smile is like the sun

Whose laugh is like a melody

That reaches everyone

Have you ever hugged an angel

Swept up in their embrace

And swear there's nothing in this world

That makes you feel that way

Chorus:Have you ever really loved an angel

Once you have you'll never be the same again

Have you ever had to let go of an angel

Say goodbye, let 'em fly, my angel, my best friend

Have you felt the strenght of an angel

When you need it the most

Lifted by those gentle wings

You know you're not alone

Every now and then I feel the peace inside

Wherever life may take me, I'm guided by the light

CHORUSCause I have really loved an angel

How could I ever be the same

Cause I have had to let go of my angel

Say goodbye, let 'em fly, my angel, my best friend

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Confession of Shopaholic Under control

Ok….. for this two week I’m bit over pamper myself. I bought a pair of sunglasses and today I just bought a pair of Tissot watch. I know….. should not spend that much.

For the pass 15 years, I had been use the same watch. It means a lot to me until I murder the watch few weeks ago. The watch that I used to have is a gift from my close friend when I was in form two secondary school. Although it is not a real Rolex but it means more than a real one.

When we are in secondary our pocket money is only RM0.50 a day. Sometime we dun even have pocket money. During that time the watch cost RM32.90. It was really a big some of money to us. But she bought it for me as my birthday gift. I never wanted to buy another watch because she spends all her pocket money for my birthday gift.

Until last few weeks I forgot to take off the watch when I do my diving. I had just murder the watch. I can’t save it. I’m sorry my friend and thanks for your long service. You are really a great watch because you had being alive for the pass 15 years. You are better than a real Rolex. Rest well my dear watch.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Which part of me look like a guy?

yplkuching: who bull u
headhunter: huhuhuhu
foosi: ding dong~
headhunter: owh.. he bully me owh
yplkuching: wahaaa
yplkuching: you will remember me
yplkuching: dun worry it will be better than gay rumours
headhunter: hahaha.. im straight ok.. hehehe.. not gay as the others rumours
yplkuching: no lar u r headhunter how come you scare
headhunter: gosh.. sound scary...
yplkuching: for me to know for you to find out
headhunter: why okie dokie.. not understand.. hehehe
yplkuching: really motivate me
yplkuching: after u wrote ok dokie bro
This few days I was up loading my photo at the photoborneo website.
First I up loaded the modeling pic and I wrote the discription as " modeling shooting workshop with Jonathan learning facial expression".
Ok... then I uploaded silhoutte-Kuching a different kind of kuching.
This post attract a lot of critic..... so at the end we become friend and they invite me for gathering....
Well the interesting part is ..... they think I am a guy... And the worst is they think I'm a gay... Oh my God......

Photo & animal

Sea turtle is very cute and beautiful right? When you see a sea turtle and you have a camera with you..... first thing come into your mind is to take the photo....

But WAIT.......Do you know that when we shoot the sea turtle, the light will blind the sea turtle????

So pls think before you shoot!! I know they are very adorable but pls dun be selfish! Respect the nature!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Long and Flat

When I am writing this blog….I’m actually half drunk. I received a call today from Auntie Juliana. She invited me for dinner but I must not tell my mum…..Ok…not to tell my mum….

Auntie Julie: Ah yang… are u still working?
Me: Yes…. (Actually I was at home :p)
Auntie Julie: Good…. Later are u free? I want to invited you for dinner. Granduncle, uncle tony, nana, sister yong, rose, auntie annie and uncle peter will be there too. But dun tell your mum u coming out for dinner.
Me: errrrr ok…….
Auntie Julie: then meet you at 7:00pm at the heritage.
Me: ok.

Deep in my heart I was thinking what is going on? Can't tell my mum and Father chua is going to the dinner also. Dam this must be my judgement day…..I’m going to get it.

Well what can I do? I have to face it also. Who know……… when I walk to the dinning table there is Long Flat 2002 sitting there. In my heart: Long Flat at the table…. This should not be too bad,,, or they are trying to drunk me so that I will tell the truth? Ha ha ha I was totally wrong, granduncle only allow me drink ¼ glass of wine coz he dun want me murder people on the road… This is very thoughtful of him knowing that I can’t drink. The dinner went well. The best part is he ordered crayfish. I never eat crayfish before and I was thinking of crayfish for the pass few days. Wow tonight God blessed me crayfish….heee with Long Flat…. Man…. This is good and I’m half drunk now……

Long Flat Shiraz 2002 is one of the best wine. Everyone should try. It’s tests very smooth.
Father Chua you rock….. U have good taste on food and wine and thank you that I'm able to meet Erica and Elizabeth again. Now I'm long and flat on the bed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Part 2: Photo workshop with Jonathan

The only 100% photo graded by Jonathan

Ring...Ring.... your CD is ready when can you come to pick it up. Oh my God! I'm too happy. Finally got my soft copy. From the photos I did notice that my performance is like a graft. At first I was not sure of my expression but after 2 cycles of shooting, that is what I can do. Unfortunately after 6 hrs of shooting my last few shoot with the wedding dress the photo quality drop dramtically because I'm too hungry. Oh well..... is true that photo never lie.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Love and marriage

“Marriage” when I search in Wiki it had been defines as a social, religious, spiritual or legal union of individuals that creates kinship.

Now a day, a lot of people start their family in their 30’s, some even prefer to stay single. Unlike last time, baby boomer generation seem to get marry in their 20’s.

When I was young, I’m scare to get married and have family because is not easy to play the role of “wife”, “mother” and “daughter in law”. I believe we always hear and experience the hardship of marriage. Now getting divorcĂ© or dissolving engagement seems to be very conmen.

But does anyone ever pose and think for a while why this entire unhealthy thing is happening around us? It is because it too conmen?

Having relationship and falling in love is the most beautiful thing in life especially when both of them commit to cherish each other. In a relationship there will always has joy, tears, hardship, anger, disappointment, patient, tolerance, forgiveness, responsibility, commitment and etc. But when come to practical I think most of us will fail.

We think that we know what is “ love “ but why come to practical, we often “fail the test” . Of course there will be thousand reasons behind a break up.

But do you ever feel like the more break up you had, there more depress you feel, the more hopeless, the more you are losing the “love” in you? This is basically we always start a relationship when we are still hurt and haven’t recovered from the previous hurt.

That’s why never tell a person that you love him or her unless you are really sure that you will spend rest of your life with him or her not matter what because that is a commitment. Whoever listens to it, trust you. The foundation of love is “trust”.

“LOVE” is a heavy word. Sometime it is too heavy to be break. Yes, I am still learning how to “love”.